Monday, 18 May 2009

Why didn't the UN intervene?

Chinese weapons, Indian intelligence, Sinhala Armed personals and racist Sri Lankan leaders came together to perform one of the most cruel war that has cost the lives of many thousands innocents," says Richard Dixon, a columnist in London's Telegraph.
Birds have now stopped singing in a land called Vanni. Sun, moon and the stars in the sky have hidden their faces. Angel of death flew over the skies of Vanni and took the lives of more than twenty five thousand innocent Tamil men, women and children in a single day. Thousands of wounded are still crying out for help. They are bleeding to death on the streets. They have touched neither water nor food for days. Nobody has come to rescue them. Those who fight for the rights of the animals and those who preach about Buddha and Mahatma have no compassion for the dying Tamils.
Why didn't the UN intervene?United Nations, who is supposed to be a guardian for the oppressed people in the world turned out to be a silent spectator of a man made disaster that has taken the lives of many thousands.There is a conspiracy behind this whole war game. China was initially blocking every attempt that was made by UK and France to discuss the Sri Lankan issue in the Security Council.Ban Ki-moon's chief of staff Vijay Nambiar was sent to Sri Lanka to organise a cease fire. He failed to secure a ceasefire and returned back after meeting the Sri Lankan and Indian officials.Interestingly Vijay Nambiar couldn't achieve anything constructive in his visit and he had also refused to meet the reporters.This `unbiased` negotiator, who appears to actually be on the payroll of the Sri Lankan government, though indirectly, something that is obviously known to the United Nations. Vijay Nambiar`s brother (Satish Nambiar) is a paid consultant for the Sri Lankan army, and has been since 2002. Is there any link between the UN and the Sri Lankan army`s paid consultant? UN has once again proved to the world that it is no longer a trust worthy international body that can protect the vulnerable.
Sinhala government with racist agendas , China and India with their strategic interests and UN with corrupt officers are the evil ingredients of this dirty war that has cost the lives of many thousands innocent Tamils.Leaders of Sri Lanka and some responsible officers in the UN, should be questioned in international courts in order to find out if they were responsible for the deaths of innocent Tamils.If we didn't, we would end up seeing more of such evil games repeated over and over again.
-Richard Dixon

"The picture is demonstrating the Sri Lankan Monk's loving ways such as Punching , Kicking and Pulling eachothers cloths over loving arguments."


Buddhas Cry said...

I think the picture the author have chosen is very interesting.

Does the sinhalese people like to dress up as monks and wrestle?
I must say this action totally disrespect to Buddha and his followers.

I am disgusted by the Sri Lankan monks who participate in violent demonstrations and their violent behaviour. As a buddist I must say these monks are giving a bad name to Buddha and buddism.

I am ashamed of China, a buddist country killing tibetians!
Sri Lanka, a buddist country killing hindus!
India, supporting all this where buddism originally is born!! SHAME ON YOU!

Adiyaarku-adiyen said...

there is story of buddha
he offered himself to mother tiger for saving tiger cubs for satisfying tiger hunger.
here budhist followers in the name of catching tiger killing everybody

Pasya samsara-nairgunya mrgyesa svasutanapi /

Langhitasneha maryada bhoktum anvicchati ksudha //18//

(Lo ! The way of the world:

The tigress transgresses all limits of affection

And casts a desiring gaze to devour [her own babies]

To appease her hunger).

Laughing Buddha said...

Nah eporul, they destroyed the rain forests and killed the tigers long time ago. Recently i heard they were hunting for tamil tigers, another kind. I couldn't believe this coz i knew tiger is member of Felidae family. the word tamils was quite unfamiliar for me, so i thought i might look it up, then i thought i might take a look at the ones they killed. To my surprise i saw men, inluding females and children. They showed this to the world stating these were Tigers, tamil tigers. The world kept it silence coz chinese and indians nod their heads and agreed. Yeah, what do you say? Dont eat too much chineese or Indian coz you might lose your humanity !

crazy buddha said...

there are many tigers in the world the one i told is whom buddha given his flesh its real tiger that was the thing u said which is destroyed that is felida family

other one which i mention was tamil tigers prabhakaran
there are several others too
eg: we call tamarind is puli-tiger,
pulikesi pallava king is tiger,
vehicle of mother durga and sawmyee saranam ayyappa its puli-tiger,vykara paathar the great saint he himself half tiger worshiped lord shiva together with patanjali
human orginated next to animals according to science
so there is nothing wrong if human named as tiger
its wrong only if tiger named as human
how to eat india or chinese
r u talking about cusine ?
well i like chinese noodles, fried rice and indian idli dosa
i wont stop eating it :(