Friday 29 May 2009

UN in the service of War Criminals

As all are aware, UN is useless nation. I am wondering the purpose of its existence. It is clear to me at this point and time that it is serving the war criminals and my fear is that it will continue to serve the war criminals in the future as well.

This is one of the most unprincipled and shameless resolutions ever adopted by any body of the United Nations in the history of that now benighted Organization. It would be as if the U.N. Human Rights Council had congratulated the Nazi government for the "liberation" of the Jews in Poland after its illegal and genocidal invasion of that country in 1939," said Francis Boyle, professor of International Law at the University of Illinois College of Law, referring to the resolution passed at the United Nations Human Rights Council on the Sri Lanka war. He further says, "History shall so judge them all!"Orwell stands vindicated by the U.N. Human Rights Council: WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS FREEDOM, THE U.N. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL LOVES BIG BROTHER," Boyle said, indicating he is deeply disturbed by the U.N. action. History shall so judge them all!"Orwell stands vindicated by the U.N. Human Rights Council: WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS FREEDOM, THE U.N. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL LOVES BIG BROTHER," Boyle said, indicating he is deeply disturbed by the U.N. action.

It is fair to say that India, China, Pakistan and Russia are fellow war criminals in Tamil genocide.

UN got bitten by blood sucking vampires

Friday 22 May 2009

Intelligence in the service of madness!

There is compelling evidence that human-beings suffer from a serious mental disorder, and are perhaps even insane. If we research into the last thousand years, we can realise that there have been an endless catalogue of insane behaviour. Recorded history shows endless wars, and the brutal oppression of the great mass of human beings by a tiny privileged minority. The terrible oppression of women which runs through history, women were burnt as witches, always targeted by psychotic militants and this still exists in many parts of the world – is another sign of this insanity. The science had spend lots of time and money in research and if we had looked into it, the scientists had created weapons, they have discovered different types of weapons to destroy the humanity. So these intelligent people in the service of madness. Where is this madness coming from?
Eckart says, if If the history of humanity were the clinical case history of a single human being, th diagnosis would have to be: Chronic paranoid delusion, a pathological propensity to commit murder and acts of extreme violence and cruelty against his perceived 'enemies'
( his own unconsciousness projected outward).Driven by greed, ignorant of their connectedness to the whole, humans persist in behavior that, if continued unchecked, can only result in their own destruction.Tolle points to the history of the human race as a history of madness. In other words, that which we consider 'normal' is at its very root, dysfunctional. What we consider 'normal' arises from the ego, and the ego is rampant with greed, pride, the lust for power, anger, fear, jealousy, insecurity, etc.
'My blood boils to think of these idiotic men! How many divisions within us, they are more than a crore!… -Bharathiyar( freedom fighter and a tamil poet)

Unhappy Scientists are root cause for human annihilation!

It seems like deep thinknig unhappy scientists are root cause for hatred and racism. Strange how scientists were trying to prove their theories in the early days using humans, and now politicians are continueing their pligt. Those days these humans were called "wild beasts" and were displayed in human zoos, however today they are called terrorists and you must kill one when you spot one. Since i have this strong desire to put blame on someone, I would like to blame the scientists. I personally believe deep thinking, depressed scientists are root cause for human annihilation and we must save our earth from scientists.
Let me give some evidence for my thinking and let us hope i am not one of those deep thinking depressed scientist.
Human zoos, sometimes called "ethnographic exhibitions" or "Negro villages," were objects of anthropology and anthropometry and also an important means of bolstering "popular racism." Human zoos were popular from the 1870s until World War II, and the concept survived into the 21st century. Ethnographic zoos were often predicated on unilinealism and a version of SocialDarwinism. Many placed indigenous people (particularly Africans) in a continuum between Europeans and the non-human hominids.
Fundamental to scientific racism, unilinealism claimed Western culture was the contemporary pinnacle of social evolution. It was upheld by famous thinkers such as August Comte (1798–1857), Edward Burnett Tylor (1832–1917), Lewis Henry Morgan (1818–1881), and Herbert Spencer (1820–1903). Social evolutionism attempted to scientifically formalize social thinking, and was later influenced by the biological theory of evolution.
Displaying human beings in cages to demonstrate scientific racist theories was common in the second half of the 19th century. The 1889 World Fair in Paris had as major attraction a "Negro village" where 400 indigenous people were displayed. Carl Hagenbeck, a German merchant in wild animals, exhibited in 1874 Samoans and Sami people described as "purely natural" populations. Two years later, he sent an emissary to Sudan to capture wild beasts for his circus attractions, along with Nubians. Geoffroy de Saint-Hilaire, son of Edouard Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire and owner of the Parisian Jardin d'acclimatation, presented Nubians and Inuit in 1877.

I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality.... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Monday 18 May 2009

Why didn't the UN intervene?

Chinese weapons, Indian intelligence, Sinhala Armed personals and racist Sri Lankan leaders came together to perform one of the most cruel war that has cost the lives of many thousands innocents," says Richard Dixon, a columnist in London's Telegraph.
Birds have now stopped singing in a land called Vanni. Sun, moon and the stars in the sky have hidden their faces. Angel of death flew over the skies of Vanni and took the lives of more than twenty five thousand innocent Tamil men, women and children in a single day. Thousands of wounded are still crying out for help. They are bleeding to death on the streets. They have touched neither water nor food for days. Nobody has come to rescue them. Those who fight for the rights of the animals and those who preach about Buddha and Mahatma have no compassion for the dying Tamils.
Why didn't the UN intervene?United Nations, who is supposed to be a guardian for the oppressed people in the world turned out to be a silent spectator of a man made disaster that has taken the lives of many thousands.There is a conspiracy behind this whole war game. China was initially blocking every attempt that was made by UK and France to discuss the Sri Lankan issue in the Security Council.Ban Ki-moon's chief of staff Vijay Nambiar was sent to Sri Lanka to organise a cease fire. He failed to secure a ceasefire and returned back after meeting the Sri Lankan and Indian officials.Interestingly Vijay Nambiar couldn't achieve anything constructive in his visit and he had also refused to meet the reporters.This `unbiased` negotiator, who appears to actually be on the payroll of the Sri Lankan government, though indirectly, something that is obviously known to the United Nations. Vijay Nambiar`s brother (Satish Nambiar) is a paid consultant for the Sri Lankan army, and has been since 2002. Is there any link between the UN and the Sri Lankan army`s paid consultant? UN has once again proved to the world that it is no longer a trust worthy international body that can protect the vulnerable.
Sinhala government with racist agendas , China and India with their strategic interests and UN with corrupt officers are the evil ingredients of this dirty war that has cost the lives of many thousands innocent Tamils.Leaders of Sri Lanka and some responsible officers in the UN, should be questioned in international courts in order to find out if they were responsible for the deaths of innocent Tamils.If we didn't, we would end up seeing more of such evil games repeated over and over again.
-Richard Dixon

"The picture is demonstrating the Sri Lankan Monk's loving ways such as Punching , Kicking and Pulling eachothers cloths over loving arguments."

Saturday 16 May 2009

"Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?"

Be not far from me, for trouble is near; For there is none to help. Many bulls have surrounded me; Strong bulls of Bashan have encircled me. They open wide their mouth at me, As a ravening and a roaring lion. I am poured out like water, And all my bones are out of joint; My heart is like wax; It is melted within me. My strength is dried up like a potsherd, And my tongue cleaves to my jaws; And Thou dost lay me in the dust of death. For dogs have surrounded me; A band of evildoers has encompassed me; They pierced my hands and my feet. I can count all my bones. They look, they stare at me; They divide my garments among them, And for my clothing they cast lots.

"I and the Father are one"

'I am the Son of God'"

"I am not alone, for the Father is with me"

"My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?"

“Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.”

"After three days I will rise."

"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me"

I FEEL LIKE JESUS THESE DAYS- the aches and pain one go through while dying and not dying :P

11-18 in Psalm 22:M atthew 27:45-46

Wednesday 13 May 2009

Amma on Human Mind

“In fact, the most serious problem facing the world today is the pollution of the human mind and the increase in selfishness and cruelty.” Amma said. “This is the root of all the others problems facing the world today. Everything in the world is changing—with one exception: our negative mental state! Our personality is a reflection of our mind. The ability of human beings to rise up to a situation and act is slowly disappearing. In the name of stability and competition, mankind is allowing their lives to be led by hatred, revenge and stubbornness.”

Amma told the devotees that she felt if people took the necessary steps, moving forward with awareness and discrimination, that the various problems the world is facing could be mitigated. But she lamented the fact that human beings are losing their ability to stand up and face challenges and to follow through acting with determination.
It is only through spirituality, Amma said, that we can develop the strength that will empower us to face all the challenges life brings our way.
“In life, things rarely happen according to our expectations. This is why it is very important to develop the attitude of surrender to God. This will also help us to live in the present moment. If we learn to live in the present moment, we will be able to cheerfully accept any circumstance we may have to face in life.
“Only the present moment is in our hands. So, we must live in it joyfully, with alertness. It is said that the lifespan of a butterfly is only a few days to a week. Yet how joyously it flies around! It spreads delight and happiness to everyone. Our lives should become like this.”
“We should make sure that the flame of compassion in our hearts doesn’t become extinguished.”
“Only a person who has known hunger will understand the pangs of hunger in another person. Only a person who has carried a heavy load will understand the strain of carrying heavy weights. If each of us really wanted to, we could make a big difference in the world. The benefit of all the good actions that we perform with a selfless attitude will definitely come back to us.”
“We should develop a mind devoid of egoism—a mind that doesn’t fall apart in failure, a mind that finds joy in giving and accepts adversity with love. Such a mind will never experience sorrow.”
Amma concluded with a prayer: “May all our thoughts, words and actions benefit both others as well as ourselves. On this New Year’s Day, let us pray that our lives become like incense sticks, spreading a beautiful fragrance to the lives of one and all.”

Amma ! Have compassion, Save those who are suffering !

Tuesday 12 May 2009

I spend one night at the police station

I spend one night at the police station, actually there were five of us. however it wasn't exiting at all. We were not offered any facilities such as cell, food and tea or coffee. Well we were not arrested officially, but we voluntarily decided to spend the whole night as one of our collegue got arrested. He had royal treatment though, he slept, rested and had food after a long demonstration at parliament square.
If you want to complain about the treatment you had from the metropolitan police officer you can.
please visit this site where you can put a complaint. Please send your views and support them to change the policies.
Thousands of Tamils have demonstrated over a month to bring awareness around the tamil genocide that is taking place in Sri Lanka.
So far 10 000 tamils got killed with in two months, 30 000 wounded, 150 000 facing death due to starvation.
Sunday night many tamils gathered at westerminister square and numbers increasted monday morning as Indiscriminate barrage of shelling by the Sri Lanka Army (SLA) on the 'safety zone' started from Saturday night to Sunday morning slaughtered more than 2,000 civilians including large number of women and children, medical sources in Vanni said quoting the injured who managed to reach the makeshift hospital. Dead bodies were scattered everywhere and 814 wounded managed to reach the makeshift hospital up to 9:25 a.m. said the doctors from Vanni.
Evidence of genocide came from Channel 4 UK, the first international media who could be able to get into the camps illegally
Human Right Watch article on Lanka :

Monday 11 May 2009

Unhealthy Obsessions

An obsession is defined an unwelcome, uncontrollable, and persistent idea, thought, image, or emotion that a person cannot help thinking even though it creates significant distress or anxiety.
Obsessive ideas seem unnatural or alien to those who have them, but are nevertheless recognized as originating from the person's own thoughts—they are not seen as delusions sent or controlled by an outside party.
A person with obsession is not in his/her normal "state", they are said to be in a state, that could cause harm to themselves or others. Obsessions can occur alone or be accompanied by compulsions. As many as 25% of OCD sufferers, simply struggle with obsessions and have no corresponding compulsions. This condition leaves people panicked, worried and fearful. It is often accompanied by mild to severe depression and can severely hamper one´s daily interactions and responsibilities. It is a serious condition but also one that can be addressed. Medications such as Prozac and Zoloft have provided relief to many sufferers but you can also find relief through exposure therapy.
However what is the treatment plan for a nation with an obsession? For an example indians are wondering how to cure the Indian government as it has this obsession with the LTTE and spending valuable resources helping the Sri Lankan military instead of putting those resources to guard against India's real enemies.
1. Where were the Indian Coast Guard and Navy when Terrorists Came to Mumbai and killed 170 innocent Indian lives?
2. So far, 500 fishermen from Tamil Nadu have been killed by the Sri Lankan army, what did india do about this?
It has been said that,much Indian security and intelligence resources are spent on helping the Sri Lankan military against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam that is fighting for the rights of minority Tamils in Sri Lanka. A number of radars were installed near Tamil Nadu coast to monitor LTTE boat movements. A spy plane loaded with sophisticated equipment flies over LTTE areas in Sri Lanka and passes information to the Sri Lankan government.
Had some of those navy and coast guard ships, radars and spy plane were covering Mumbai, may be they would have spotted the terrorists who came to Mumbai and thus saved 170 innocent Indian lives.
However India is continuing to supply arms and had given over Rs 1,000 crore in cash as aid to Sri lanka and stated that India’s prime concern is to protect the Tamil civilians and extend the ceasefire in Sri Lanka.
India is wasting its valuable resources, putting it-self under risk and taking part in killing innocent tamils. Do you believe that india is suffering from unhealthy obsessions or is it something else? Please share your thoughts !

Sunday 10 May 2009

Sri Lankan Genocide Analysis By Richard Dixon London

China is fishing in troubled waters. Sinhala extremists who have been killing the Tamils all these years wanted to get smart weapons to kill the Tamils in thousands as opposed to knives and swords that can be used to kill the Tamils only in hundreds.
In recent times, China has been actively involved in building ports in the South East Asian countries including Sri Lanka. China is spending 1 billion dollars to construct a port in the south of Sri Lanka. China is planning use this port as a refuelling and docking station for its navy, as it patrols the Indian Ocean and protects China’s supplies of Saudi oil. Ever since Sri Lanka agreed to the plan, in March 2007, China has given it all the aid, arms and diplomatic support it needs to defeat the Tamils, without worrying about the West. China has so far given six F7 jet fighters free of charge, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
Pakistan is also trying to spread it's influence in the Indian ocean and in order to build a launch pad in Sri Lanka.
Pakistan has transferred huge amounts of automatic rifles, heavy mortars, multi-barrel rocket launchers, artillery and tank shells to Sri Lanka in recent years. Sri Lanka is also getting JY-11 3D air surveillance radars, armoured personnel carriers,
T-56 assault rifles, machine guns, anti-aircraft guns, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, missiles and bombs
Iran provides low-interest credit to Sri Lanka to help them to purchase military equipment from Pakistan and China and to train Sri Lankan Army and intelligence officers in Iran.
Iran is now very pleased with the anti western policies that are being adapted by the Sri Lankan government.
China has a lot to rejoice for, because they have been successful in securing their interests in the region. They are now busy building a port in the South of Sri Lanka that will be used as a refuelling and docking station for its navy, as it patrols the Indian Ocean and protects China’s supplies of Saudi oil
Pakistan has made enough money by selling cluster ammunitions and fire arms. They have also found a platform in the south of India to launch attacks against India.
India is a looser. India has made a historical blunder by assisting the Sri Lankan government to commit genocide against Tamils. Once the war is over, Sri Lankan government will go after China and Pakistan as they did before. India has now lost credibility both among the Tamils in Sri Lanka and India.
India would have been in a better position if they helped the Tamils to establish a prosperous secular state in order to free them from State oppression and to secure Indian strategic interests in the region. Even now, it is not too late for India to change it's mind.

LTTE is now left to fight on their own without any help from other countries. But they are supported by a powerful Tamil Diaspora which means LTTE can't be defeated by bombing the whole Vanni although they are facing defeat in the Vanni.

Please read the article By Richard Dixon, Telegrah UK


Wake up people, Please give some thoughts today about UN and its Uselessness.
They have failed to grant PEACE awards to the most democratic and peaceful individuals in the the world, who follows The Gandhian Principles and determined to destroy terrorists.
The United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide entered into force on January 12, 1951, after more than 20 countries from around the world ratified it.
1992- 1995: Wars of the former Yugoslavia
In one small town, Srebrenica, 7,800 Bosnjiak men and boys were murdered by Serbian forces
1994: From April until July, up to 800,000 people, mostly from the Tutsi minority group, were killed in Rwanda
2004: Genocide in Darfur more than 100,000 people have been killed; the latter is a figure from the Coalition for International Justice. As many as 2.5 million people are thought to have been displaced as of October 2006.
1948-2009 : How many Tibetians died? Please give me a count
1948-2009: More than 100 000 tamils died and recently within few months 8000 tamils got killed and 30 000 wounded and YESTERDAY NIGHT ALONE 2000 tamils got slaughtered !!!
1. The fact that the UN enjoys a reputation as a useful organisation and members of UN are enjoying their work and getting high salary payments. Not to say that they enjoy the reputation of being IMPORTANT INDIVIDUALS in the world.

2. That the UN actually believes (faith) their paperwork can ever solve any problems

3. That my tax paying money are used to fund this pointless and useless organization.
UN is tirelessly researching to find the war criminals of genocides, sadly they couldnt find any yet. !!
Please view this article by
Richard Dixoon
Voice for the Voiceless

Friday 8 May 2009

Feeling for the Mother Land Never So Intense

... anything that is felt to give out goodness and beauty, and that calls forth pleasure and satisfaction, in the physical or in the wider sense, can in the unconscious mind take the place of [the infant's perception of the mother's] ever-bountiful breast, and of the whole mother. Thus we speak of our own country as the "motherland" because in the unconscious mind our country may come to stand for our mother, and then it can be loved with feelings which borrow their nature from the relation to her. (Melanie Klein, "Love, Guilt and Reparation" 103)

The Elamites/ Sri lankan Tamils?

Is this lord siva?
The Elamites
The people of Elam (yes in Tamil, Eelam means homeland), were the first to civilise the Iranian Peninsula. in the 2700 BC period. They were contemporaries of the Egyptians, the Mittanis and the Hittites. The Elamites were a significant people. till the 800BC in Persia (modern day Iran).
The Elamites concluded a major treaty with the Akkadian King King Naram-sin (Naram to Narain and Sin is the moon goddess, Chandra; possibly Narayan Chandra). Akkadian language is itself implicated in being in cahoots with Sanskrit and Indus Valley languages – and the creation ans spread of most modern languages except Sino languages. One of the most prominent rulers of Babylon was Nebuchadnezzar (as spelt in English). Replace ‘b’ with ‘d’ and you are very close the Tamil name of Neduncheziyan (Nedunchedianuru) – a current and modern Tamil name. Interestingly, Neduncheziyan is more famous as the fabled erring Pandyan King in the Tamil classic – Silappadhikaaram. Neduncheziyan mistaken justice, brings him grief and finally death. Neduncheziyan is overshadowed by the other King, Cheran Senguttuvan’s fame in the Tamil classic, written by Jain Saint, Elangovadigal.
Where It All Started
The oldest Indian language, not based on Sanskrit, is Tamil. There is 3000 year old history that Tamil language has, which makes it one the oldest, living language. Related languages are in use even today in Pakistan, where the Brahui tribe speaks a related version of the Tamil language. The Brahuis have marriage preferences which are similar to South Indians (cousins preferred in marriage) – rather than North Indians. BRAHUI, a people of Baluchistan, inhabiting the Brahui mountains, which extend continuously from near the Bolan Pass to Cape Monze on the Arabian Sea. The khan of Kalat, the native ruler of Baluchistan, is himself a Brahui, and a lineal descendant of Kumbar, former chief of the Kumbarini, a Brahui tribe. The origin of the Brahuis is an ethnological mystery.The origins of the Brahuis are even more puzzling than those of the Baluch, for their language is not Indo-European at all, but belongs to the same Dravidian family as Tamil and the other languages of south India spoken over a thousand miles away. One theory has it that the Brahuis are the last northern survivors of a Dravidian-speaking population which perhaps created the Indus Valley civilisation, but it seems more likely that they too arrived as the result of a long tribal migration, at some earlier date from peninsular India. Bishop Robert Caldwell and other authorities declare them Dravidians, and regard them as the western borderers of Dravidian India. The Brahuis declare themselves to be the aborigines of the country they now occupy, their ancestors coming from Aleppo. For this there seems little foundation, and their language, which has no affinities with Persian, Pushtu or Baluchi, must be, according to the most eminent scholars, classed among the Dravidian tongues of southern India. Probably the Brahuis are of Dravidian stock, a branch long isolated from their kindred and much Arabized, and thus exhibiting a marked hybridism.
If you are interested in doing further research around Tamils in Sri Lanka, Eelam, Elam, You might want to dig into these papers.
The most of infomation presented here is copied from: View From A Square Prism
and rest
1.Velars, Uvulars and the North Dravidian Hypothesis
Journal article by David W. Mcalpin; The Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 123, 2003
6. 7.

Tuesday 5 May 2009


“The mother-child relationship is paradoxical and, in a sense, tragic. It requires the most intense love on the mother's side, yet this very love must help the child grow away from the mother, and to become fully independent.”-Fromm.
According to Germaine Greer infanticide is the"dark, secret side of motherhood itself, Greer's claim that "motherhood, like nature herself, is red in tooth and claw".
This emphasis on the role of the unconscious in the perception of destructive violence against infants and children is disturbing precisely because it suggests the ambiguous relationship between prohibition and desire (Freuds id and super ego and the fight in between). Attachment theory says, parents of children with disorganized attachments often have a loss or abuse in their own past that they have not worked through fully. This previous trauma appears to lead the Mother to act in ways that are either frightening (e.g., scaring the child/i might kill you) or frightened (e.g., treating child as if he or she could hurt/kill the mother). These mothers are said to be "unresolved" with regard to attachment.
Mother You have tamils blood on your hand.

Sunday 3 May 2009

You will soon return to your homes in peace

You will soon return to your homes in peace’:
Sri Sri tells displaced people in Sri Lanka
Bangalore, April 22, 2009: Art of Living Founder and humanitarian His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar concluded
his three-day peace mission to Sri Lanka assuring the displaced Tamils that they would return in peace to their
homes very soon. “A new dawn is in the offing. Stay calm and peaceful. The Art of Living Foundation & I are
right with you in your hour of need.” Sri Sri said after visiting a camp for Internally Displaced People (IDP) in
Vavunia, Sri Lanka.
Sri Sri Ravi Shanker's is a spiritual master and speaking about god, he says, Just like your body is made up of proteins, amino acids and carbohydrates, your mind and soul are made up of love. You are made up of love. Everyone is full of love and love is God. So you are made up of God! Every little atom of your body is made up of love and that is what is God. Do not think God is sitting somewhere in heaven. God is here and now!
For your request regarding petitions: STOP GENOCIDE OF TAMILS
1..Amnesty International has started an email campaign to get Australian
The mail to sign is at the right of the page.
2.The bloodbath must end-letter to Navaneetham Pillay UNHCHR ( UN High Commissioner)
3. Please read and sign all 9 petitions : appeal to international community.
4. Sign petitions to ban cluster bombs
5. Appeal to president Obama
If you need further support or information regarding Tamil Genocide, please e-mail:
Sites you may want to follow:

Friday 1 May 2009

In Search Of Goodness !

Is evil a thing which has an ontological status (actual being)?, Is there such a thing as evil in nature?, Can evil be objectively defined, or is it always relative to time and place? and Is it accurate to say that a person who does evil is an evil person? It seems like human beings have been struggling with these questions for centuries. In search of goodness, humans conducted evil. Strange as it seems, humans have failed to rise above the concepts good and evil. The war between good and evil is still continuing. “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”- Mahatma Gandhi. Speaking on Genocide of Tamils and "War on Terrorism", “India cannot forgive LTTE chief”, Priyanka Gandhi, daughter of Rajiv Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi was reported saying by Indo Asia News Service 21 April. Answering a question on her personal stand, she said, “humans cannot forgive each other.”
IPKF was send to keep peace as there was a violent ethnic strife in Sri Lanka.The force was initially not expected to be involved in any significant combat by the Indian High Command. However, within a few months, the IPKF became embroiled in battle with the LTTE to enforce peace. In the two years it was in northern Sri Lanka, the IPKF launched a number of combat operations aimed at destroying the LTTE-led insurgency. In the process, IPKF was also accused of number of Human Rights violations against the civilian population. According to the tamils the indian army slaugthered 3000 innocent civillians between 1987-1990. Rajiv Gandhi's assassination was carried out by Thenmozhi Rajaratnam, suicide bomber,a female, real name was Gayatri. In the Jain report, various people and agencies are named as suspected of having been involved in the murder of Rajiv Gandhi, the cleric Chandraswami was suspected of involvement, including financing the assassination and Sikh Militants were also suspected.
While one man's hunt is continuing, 300 000 innocent civillians are being shelled, bombed, left to starve, displaced and imprisoned.
"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
Albert Einstein
Good luck to humanity !

Trail Of Tears

Given the conditions of contemporary civilization, how can one claim that the 'normal' man is sane? The condition of alienation, of being asleep, of being unconscious, of being out of one's mind, is the condition of the normal man. Society highly values its normal man. It educates children to lose themselves and to become absurd, and thus to be normal. Normal men have killed perhaps 100,000,000 of their fellow men in the last fifty years-laing.

58BC- roman invasion of europe.
Julius Caesar became governor and military commander of the Roman province of Gaul, which at this time included modern france, Belgium, and areas of Switzerland, Holland and Germany west of the Rhine. For the next eight years Caesar led military campaigns in the area. His next target was UK.
In the UK and mainland Europe the Dark Ages are characterised by barbarian invasions. Barbarians were any tribe or group who came from outside the bounds of the old Roman Empire and had not been "civilised". The term "barbarian" means "with a beard" - they generally did not shave unlike Roman men.
At the end of Roman Empire tribes such as the Goths, Vandals, Franks, Hun, Burgundians, Lombards, Picts, Scots, Angles and Saxons all invaded the lands of the disintegrating Western Roman Empire. In 410AD Rome itself was sacked by the Goths. Following this Britannia became self governing but fairly soon after this event was invaded by the Picts, the Scots and later by the Saxons and Angles.

In 1493, when Columbus returned to the Hispaniola, he quickly implemented policies of slavery and mass extermination of the Taino population of the Caribbean. It felt "normal" and the law was created to meet the needs of the SOCIETY. Within three years, five million were dead. Las Casas, the primary historian of the Columbian era, writes of many accounts of the horrors that the Spanish colonists inflicted upon the indigenous population: hanging them en mass, hacking their children into pieces to be used as dog feed, and other horrid cruelties. The works of Las Casas are often omitted from popular American history books and courses because Columbus is considered a hero by many, even today.

Mass killing did not cease, however, after Columbus departed. Expansion of the European colonies led to similar genocides. "Indian Removal" policy was put into action to clear the land for white settlers.

The Medieval History of India was full of genocides. According to Koenraad Elst more than 100 millions hindus were killed by the muslim invaders and perhaps the biggest holocaust in the world. Just in this century Tutsis, Tibetans, Cambodians, Bangladeshis, Gypsies, Ukrainians and Armenians have all suffered more than a million deaths in deliberate actions. Before them died possibly a hundred million natives in North and South America, tens of millions in the slave trade--and unknown millions of Hindus in India as a result of the invasions beginning in the 7th century
1900: Raphael LemkinRaphael Lemkin, who would later coin the word "genocide," is born into a Polish Jewish family in 1900. His memoirs detail early exposure to the history of Ottoman attacks against Armenians.

1915-1917-Armenian Genocide.

1947-1948: Creating an international convention on genocide Raphael Lemkin was a critical force for bringing “genocide” before the nascent United Nations, where delegates from around the world debated the terms of an international law on genocide. On December 8, 1948, the final text was adopted unanimously. The United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide entered into force on January 12, 1951, after more than 20 countries from around the world ratified it.

1992- 1995: Wars of the former Yugoslavia
In one small town, Srebrenica, 7,800 Bosnjiak men and boys were murdered by Serbian forces.
1994: From April until July, up to 800,000 people, mostly from the Tutsi minority group, were killed in Rwanda
2004: Genocide in Darfur more than 100,000 people have been killed; the latter is a figure from the Coalition for International Justice. As many as 2.5 million people are thought to have been displaced as of October 2006.
1948-2009: Genocide of Tibetians:
China has for 40 years been engaged in a relentless program to destroy the Tibetan people, their culture and religion. Little or nothing has been done about it, particularly by the ever-impotent UN.
1948-2009: Genocide of tamils (hindus) in sri lanka, a place called Vanni continues in the name of "war on terrorism" more than 7000 pe0ple got killed, more than 20 000 wounded according to UN. International community is still keeping the silence as india, china, pakistan, russia are supporting supporting the sri lankan government??????? Politics !
I am truly sorry. I dont know what to say. Is there anything I could do?

Thursday 30 April 2009

Bereft of a theory of human nature

Reflecting upon the first world war, second world war, Hiroshima and the Holocaust, war of savagery and butchery waged by man against man, oppressed versus oppressed Laing concluded, we human beings have slaughtered by our own hands coming on for one hundred million of our own species. We all live under the threat of our total annihilation. We seem to seek death and destruction as much as life and happiness…only by the most outrageous violation of ourselves have we achieved our capacity to live in relative adjustment to a civilisation apparently driven to its own destruction. I dont know how this fits with 28-year-old Parameswaran who was ready to starve himself to death for freedom of tamil people. He continued to hunger-strike for 24 days and stopped it today as he felt the British government responded to his requests. It seems like Parameswaran's parents were killed by SLA and he himself has been closer to death many times. When he was asked by a BBC reporter whether he was afraid of dying.....
He said: "No, no, no, I'm not worried - because I saw many thousands of deaths of friends of mine. That means livers, kidneys and stomachs coming out, people dying, right in front of my eyes".
Is man‘alienated’ from his true human nature?
"Our social realities are so ugly if seen in the light of exiled truth"

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Insanity is a sane response to an insane society

From the moment of birth, when the Stone Age baby confronts the twentieth century mother, the baby is subjected to these forces of violence, called love, as its mother and father have been, and their parents before them, these forces are mainly concerned with destroying most of its potentialities says Laing. According to him this enterprise is on the whole successful. By the time the new human being is fifteen or so, we are left with a being like ourselves. A half crazed creature, more or less adjusted to a mad world. This is normality in our present age.
he says further that family life is to induce a false consciousness of security: to deny death by avoiding life, to cut off transcendence, to believe in "GOD", not to experience the void, to create in short, one-dimensional man, to promote respect, obedience, to con children out of play, to induce a fear of failure, to promote a respect for work, to promote a respect for respectability’. Do not adjust your mind, the fault is in reality!
(Laing, 1967).
I am not sure whether he wrote this in anger, or in the moment of perfect clarity. Socialists will have no problems agreeing with him. He might sound bit naive for Scientists. At present, I feel like a blank slate upon which society writes its narrative. Helplessness?